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name: "Spyer Geoffrey"   object type: "Project Records"   
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Click to select: Certificate of Practical Completion

Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)

William Moss and Sons Ltd. (Recipient)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Direction Copy

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Direction Copy

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Direction Copy

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Direction Copy

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Direction Copy

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Minutes of Site Meeting

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Practical Completion Inspection - List of Defects

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)

William Moss and Sons Ltd. (Recipient)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit No. 12

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit No. 21

Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit No. 21

Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit No. 30

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit No. 31

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit No. 32

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit No. 33

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit No. 34

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: RIBA Certficate of Practical Completion

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

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